It’s been a month now...a very fast month, since I have been sticking things in fat men, peeing on them, and calling them all sorts of wonderful names. I’ve met trannies, sissies, slaves, doms, masters, and fetishists of every kind imaginable. I have always lived a fast life, but I feel like in the last month I have been thrust into this world of complete perversity, and as I explained earlier, it is much more difficult to return to regular life when I am not working. Sometimes I’ll see a man (and it’s always men, because those are the only clientele) on the street that I don’t know and I picture him in panties, getting beaten and pissed on. This doesn’t happen constantly, but it happens randomly, and it is uncontrollable. I’m sure I’ll have all sorts of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) haunting me after doing this, but, hey, I’m having fun and making money. I love CJ because it is the only forum where I can write the most foul stories without getting censored or being told to “tone it down.”
As you may or may not know, I am keeping a diary of every session that happens with me in this place. I try to keep them as detailed as possible, but sometimes they’re just vague outlines. After a month of part-time work, I have a notebook full. “Stinky Stan” still remains my favorite gentleman who has visited. The next one comes in a very close second.
“Sissy Sally” and I did not engage very much one-on-one, but the session as a whole was definitely, without a doubt, the most sickening atrocity that I have witnessed there thus far. She came in my first week of working and has stuck with me ever since, and I doubt I will ever forget her.
I will copy my diary entry here, but I will add certain things for explanation’s sake. I will try to keep it as true to the diary form as I can.
Sally was Monique’s slut. Monique is a lady who works there, and I guess as you work there longer, you accumulate “sluts” who want you to teach them to be a woman. Please don’t be confused. Sally is biologically, and I am pretty sure in most of his daily life, a male. He is only a sissy slut when he comes to visit us. She is definitely my kind of girl. She could really take the terribly foul stuff. Oh, and was she whiny. She was a whiny little bitch from hell. I was instantly in love.
Before I went up to see Sally, the Headmistress gave me a short briefing. (I really hate all this Mistress/Master language, but they force me to use it, so I go with it.) She told me that I was going to be giving a G.S. (golden shower) to Sally. For you innocents whom I really envy, a golden shower is when you piss on someone. For me, it means good money for taking a fucking piss. Honestly, as a secret side note, I am on some very heavy medication and often wonder when I piss in someone’s mouth if they get some kind of high from it. I think I might research this. If anyone knows anything about this, please tell me. I know it happens with some hallucinogens, but I don’t know if it happens with tranquilizers and narcotics. I digress. I was also told that Sally is a “little slut bitch who is like the kind of girl in junior high school who always wanted to get into the cool kids’ parties, but who never got invited.” I could identify. If only this meant being pissed on, shit on, and puked on in jr. high, I believe it would have made for a much more interesting experience.
I enter the salon where all of this is happening. There is a bathroom in the salon where Sally is lying in the bathtub, but I have not seen her yet. I just smell the very strong odor of urine and hear people yelling, “Look at you, Sally. You disgusting slut!!!! You make me want to puke!!!” I am enjoying this thoroughly and cannot wait to see Sally. I am continuing to drink water as fast as I can because I really don’t have to pee, and this place keeps annoying me because they tell me I have to do a golden shower like ten minutes before I’m supposed to, and a girl needs some time to gear up to pee on someone. I’m not pee-shy, but I have to get something to come out first.
There is a male slave I almost never see who has some weird role where he is also a client but works for the dungeon since he is the only male on staff. He is usually described as a “Master,” or at least on the website he is, and he mostly works with couples, I guess. His getup is far different than the scary corporal master I saw on the website. He looks and talks EXACTLY like Mr. Slave from South Park. He is balding, with a handlebar mustache, sporting leather straps across his chest, blush on his pretty little cheeks, and he talks exactly like a flaming homo. He asks me if I am Latina. I gather he is trying to make small talk. I always wished I was Latina, so I say yes and he smiles. I gather that this man is here to play the perfect slave that Sally is to look up to, but he is also there to shit on her.
Monique walks out of the bathroom after yelling at Sally and starts shoving this yogurt mix into her own mouth while explaining that she is going to puke on Sally. This is getting more and more wonderful. I just thought that I was going to give a G.S., and here I am in the midst of someone who is about to get pissed on, shit on, and vomited on by three girls.
Most of the trolls that walk in and out these doors are by far the fattest pockmarked hairy-assed monkeys that I’ve ever seen. Despite the whiny voice, I was definitely expecting an old hairy man with a potbelly and welts on his face. It is time for me to go into the bathroom after so much anticipation to see Sally.
To my surprise, Sally is this skinny younger man with a nice body wearing a bra and panties. He is completely wet, covered in piss, and he fucking smells worse than a urinal-puck sandwich. He’s doing a cute little dance in the tub. I introduce myself and explain that I will pee on him. It is so lucky that this is a session that I am allowed to laugh in, because for the life of me I would not be able to hold my laughter in.
He lays down to get the “golden nectar” that I am going to give him, and I step over the tub. He gets off on how much I tell him what a disgusting piece of turd he is, and I guess it’s the whole atmosphere, because I usually pride myself on my ability to piss all over anyone at the drop of the hat, but I can’t piss. Sally is waiting so patiently in the tub, and I am trying to piss as much as I possibly can, but all I can do is fart. The weird thing is that I NEVER fart. I know people say that, but I really have nothing to hide here. I really never fart. I pretend this is completely planned and try to push more urine out but can only fart again. I yell at Sally to smell my farts and I ask her what they smell like, and he says that they smell like “chocolate-chip cookies.” HAH. Oh, there is something very wrong here. Monique instructs Sally to perhaps sing a song to me. Sally starts to sing, in her terribly whiny voice, “Singin’ in the Rain.”
That is it. I cannot stop laughing, and I don’t think my body could function after the third fart and Sally’s whiny rendition of “Singin’ in the Rain.” I realize that I cannot yet pee, and I explain to Sally that she is simply too disgusting for me to even urinate on and that perhaps I will be back later. I know the logic to that particular statement probably makes no sense, but I think it got Miss Sally off a little bit, and it bought me more time. I want to piss on Sally so bad. I, once again, think I am in love.
I go into the salon again, and of course, it instantly comes on...I have to pee BAD. Like I can’t possibly hold it and am doing damage to my bladder. Only now I have to wait for Miss Monique to puke on her and Master/Slave man to shit on her, and then for her to lick the shit off of him.
As clean as you try to keep a place like this, it is virtually impossible. I always think that if I got one of those lights they use on Dateline that they take into hotel rooms to look for semen and gross stuff, like those glow lights, the whole place would shine like the sun. I doubt there would actually be a spot that didn’t contain a ton of shit, piss, cum, spit, vomit, ass juice, period blood, regular blood, and every type of disease ever. We clean EVERYTHING with bleach and alcohol, but when people like Sally come in we, of course, seem to have a small fly problem. This small fly problem turns into a swarm in the salon and especially the bathroom where Sally is.
The smell is getting worse and worse, and I really don’t know how long I can take it. I have to hurry up and piss before I accidentally puke on Sally for free. I run in there, yell at Sally to open her mouth wide, and I piss like a fucking fountain. Sally laps it up happily. I am pissing so much that she starts gagging and I yell at her not to spit it out. The thought passes through my head again about how many meds I am on and the possibility of overdose through drinking so much of my pee. I guess I will just have to wait at this point to see if she goes to sleep or dies or something. I run out of the room and wash off my legs.
When I enter the salon again, Monique is retching to vomit and it is really making me sick. I hear it. It gets all over Sally, who is now standing up shaking her skinny ass back and forth seductively. Now comes the climax. The slave shits on Sally and then Sally must rub it on his dick and lick it off. I, unfortunately, do not witness this, but I hear it. And smell it. Although the buzz from the flies is so goddamned loud it is hard to hear anything, I hear Sally whining and sucking and eating the shit.
Intermittently throughout this entire session, I am going into the bathroom to laugh at and harass Sally. I go in there a bit after that, and here she stands in all her glory. She is wearing a mismatched bra and panty set, wet head-to-toe from four girls’ piss. Covered in smears of vomit. Mostly pink and brown vomit. And then there are shit smears...everywhere. Sally has shit all around her mouth, sort of like a clown. It is a vision of glory. Of course there is no camera. The girls start taunting her with the possibility of sending her out onto the busy street just like that. I am wondering if this could possibly happen, but I realize this is all a fantasy. I WANT it to be real. The party is then over, and Sally is forced to shower in the shit-and-piss-covered mess she made.
I REALLY wanted to see how she cleaned up. I mean, she must have blown (no pun intended) over a grand for that fun little time. At one point she said that she had no more money and that her wallet was in the car. Miss Monique asked Sally if she could check Sally’s pants for more money and pulled out this HUGE wad of cash, and Sally was more than eager to give up every penny of it. She was having so much fun. I’m almost positive Sally is an important politician of some sort. It almost makes too much sense. I really cannot take the smell anymore, and I have decided that this is the only type of real party. I love Sissy Sally and cannot wait until she comes in again. I have done a lot of humiliation play, but Miss Sally took it to a whole new level. The whining, the mismatched bikini, the singing, the flies—I could go on forever. It was a vision of beauty.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
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