Thursday, January 12, 2012
OK. so a mere 200 feet from where my bus has been sitting for OVER a week now, I have stumbled upon a fucking CRACKHEAD NARNIA. Invisible to most, even the longtime residents here, I was taken there today, behind a grafitti covered warehouse sits THREE MANSIONS with a fucking spiral driveway and a fountain thing. LIKE THE MOVIES!. FULL OF CRACKHEADS. THEY tried to bring me in today. You could never see my bus ever if I agreed to join them. They offered enticing items like kfc, electricity, cable, and crack. I merely have to sell my soul and disappear forever. I have closed and locked myself inside my bus (despite Brooks's efforts to disbelieve me and try to leave me vulnerable to the zombies.)Brooks's mind is vulnerable now because of a mysterious man who came by earlier and gave us eight free hits of liquid acid on two buisness cards. I did not take it yet. it is too convienant a gift. Had I taken it, I may have been captured forever and hidden inside this insanely beautiful hidden paradise. I'm not fucking making this shit up either. I slept with my machete. but they are harmless I think (the crackheadNARNIAN's?). they just want me and my humble belongings like the plastic jug my cat litter came in that I threw away that they could recycle and trade for crack. Oh yea and 8 piece meals at kfc. BUT ONLY THAT. I gave one three dollars and she came back with it saying she could not purchace the full 8 piece meal and was going to give it back to me, rather than purchacing a lesser amount of chicken in which she could afford, she chose to go without on the unlikely chance that someone would have given her the EXACT rest of the money to purchace the 8 piece meal and she would no longer have enough because she used the three dollars I gave her to buy a lesser kfc purchace. They are crazy, these folk. Also the little mowhawked white man. The "nicest white man I ever met" explained to me a peculiar thing about copper and electrical extension chords that only a mind deprived of sleep and nutrients and addled with cocaine mixed with baking powder would ever know. I will show anyone where it is who wants to know where you go to get there. but once you go in there, haha. I'm not kidding, you may never get out. It's fucking insane. OAKLAND IS CRAZY.
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