IM REALLY GLAD TO BE SLEEPING NEXT TO A TARD..... this guy is perhaps i thought at one time more of a tard than even me cuz he had lost an eye due to MERSA and like hopped trains and shit but even his retardenesss had disappointed...... he is way too nice and mean and dishonest to me and disses my friends who are super wonderful. and i will never ever forget you and i am going so crazy. and always going crazy crazy crazy in this stupid ccrazy crazy basememt. would photograph it but it's too dark. just picture like anne franke's worst nightmare with electric and a dude with one eye who is good at fucking but like doesn't like to do it. he talks like the nanny and is from pakapsie new york. which i would like to constantantly say cuz i like the way he says it but he tricked me and made me think i was still in love with him and now even now and forever and before and always and before i knew i knew i new new new love is a damn sham. a pure lure. stierling silver shit. poop out my moms diarrhea hole. i hate love. i love hate. i love to hate him. i am so bitter. i want to shatter his dreams. i like to shatter the dreams. hiim saying he gonna git a piece of tha land george like lenny from of mice and men. of mince and mersa. yea well there ain't gonna be no rabbits DEORDge.... ain't gonna be none of those damn rabbits lenny. you get a pieceofthaland... and you disss my projects and my life and my jobby job selling my poonie.... but ya got a guy.... i overstand.... we all do.... a guy who's gonna give you 60 million for your photos.... cuz some acopolco sunrise jagoff took em of u before the mersa came. i feel too bad. i put you in your place tonite and you probably have nightmare after nightmare and i am sorry but you have brought me living nightmares in my sleep.... i have been sick sick sick. and other friends others are dicks.... you left me here. homeless.... busless.... you also have the sicko dreams. digging holes for money????!.... GO BACK TO TEXAS LOSERS..... OR TAKE ME TO A RED LOBSTER..... FUCK YOU. GIVE ME BACK MY BUS... I WANT IT OFF HATE STREET.... NO ASS BERRYS FOR MY BUS.... I GOT THE KRATOM TODAY...... mother it helps me jeezuz god revolution it does.... the KRATOM IS THE SMILES AND SWEETNESS AND SMILES AND NOTHING BITTER AND NOTHING FOOLISH..... KRATOM KRATOM KRATOM KRATOM KRATOM KRATOM..... something very weird is going on around us and the power that is weak is strong and that old guy over there.... well he must be real smart..... you know.... KRATOM..... it seems to be you don't remember how to smile.... i don't either. i remember when we did smile. like 2 weeks ago. i could do it ma. i could smile. i could not romance. i could smile. i had friends. i had a home. now i have neither. i can't smile ma. no more. the eye has sucked it out of me. of me. of me. i am told constantly how of a horrible person i am.... its twiddliweinks. it's a stupid wad of shit. abusive fucks. did i tell you the story bout how i almost got raped n kilt here in oakland.... another time kiddies.... right now this is alll i can get off my mind. stupid stream of conscioness shit. i hate it... i wish i could make more sense to you.... the problem is that it makes total sense to myself. but no one else else else ever could get this.... i'm not pretensiousing.... i'm just fillin up paper. i can't play condemned two too..... neither can the mersa. he plays ELF GAMES.... AND TRADED SILENT HILL FOR AN ELF GAME..... WHO GIVESS A FLYING RATS ASS ABOUT ELVES????. MAYBE WHEN YOU HAVE ONE EYE IT'LL LOOK MORE INTERESSING ( KNOCK ON WOOD..... ME LIKEZ MINE EYEZ)))) BUT IMA MEANER THAN THA MERSA THAT TOOK AN EYE.... IMA MEANER THEN BILLY THE KID.... IMA NOT GETTIN A PIECE OF THAT LAND DEORGE. NEVER GETTING IT. OH WELL... PLEASE COMMENT ON THIS PIECE.... OF GARBAGE.....
All the Best.
Meg. aka. Lil. P.
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