- Meg Mccarville GO TO HELL!!!!!. OOPS. you are already in it... i honestlyl have never ever ever done the petty stupid task of defriending a single person on this stupid social network but your idiotic dogshit ignorant comment makes me want to rip your fucking ugly face out and drown you in my dead father's cholostomy bag.... JENN DUNGEN.... YOU ARE FACEBOOK DEAD TO ME.... AND ANYONE ELSE WHO PRAISES OAKLAND WILL SUFFER THE SAME FATE.... GOD I honestly WISH you were right in front of me right now and I had my machete and, well the cholostomy bags are in my closet... safe and sound, and waiting... and so am I..... STUPID BITCH!!!!!!!!!! DIE!!!!!!. GO PLANT A TREE, HELP THE NEIGHBORHOOD, BE SCARED OF BEING WHITE, OCCUPY SOMETHING STUPID, PRETEND YOU KNOW HOW TO RIOT, COMPLAIN ABOUT THE POLICE, AND THEN CUT YOURSELF INTO SEVERAL FUCKING PIECES AND RECYCLE IT INTO THE EIGHTEEN GARBAGE CANS THEY FORCE YOU TO USE AND PAY FOR AND THEN MOVE TO SAN FRANSISCO WHERE YOU BELONG YOU CHEAP WHITEBREAD BITCH..... I HOPE THE COPS SHOOT YOU IN THE NEXT TEN MINUTES.... AND THEN SOME HARDCORE ASS BITCHES THAT KNOW ABOUT LIVING IN OAKLAND AND WOULD NEVER SAY SOMETHING AS IGNORANT AS "oakland rules (i'm dumb and privalidged)" RUN A TRAIN ON YOUR DEAD ROTTING CORPSE IN PRISON.... DEFRIENDED!!!!!!!!!15 hours ago · ·
- Meg Mccarville Actually, there IS this really cool spot on 30th and west where... OH NEVERMIND.... DEFRIENDED.... WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU ANYWAY???.15 hours ago · ·
- Jen DunjenI'm not sure you were really here long enough to get a feel for Oakland overall. You were probably hanging with the totally wrong people from what I saw from your posts. FYI, I know you from plenty of noise shows in Chicago. Chicago is also great and I still miss it so go enjoy it and stop yelling on FB.
- Ruth R. Hustle Oppenheim-Rothschild wait hold on are you saying you're living in an sro in CHICAGO?? did you make it back??
- Meg Mccarville yea... Ruth... I'm right like half a block from where i lived before... I was going to continue my story before I was so rudely interrupted by an ignorant comment.... shot to the heart.... sorry... I'LL SEE YOU SOON!!!!. I'M SO HAPPY TO BE BACK!!!!!.
- Jen DunjenI'll look you up the next time I'm in Chicago. You can bring the stinky colostomy bags. It all sounds very intriguing.14 hours ago · ·
- Meg Mccarville No... Jen... honestly.... I don't care... and I don't understand why people can't understand SARCASM.... I don't have a bunch of my dead father's cholostomy bags in my closet... unfortunately... my father did not ever need a cholostomy.... unfortunately.... err... what?. umm.. yea. he had a colon. it's cool. you're just dumb.i don't like dumb comments. that's it. like say something not dumb please. like why does "oakland rule"?. say something not dumg... i dare you...
- Meg Mccarville it would be... i'm sorry to exaggerate about that... haha. it would be exciting... i wish...
- Meg Mccarville I can't ever leave. Yea Ruth.. You, Janice, and a handful of others....
- Meg Mccarville I'm so sorry I left... I kissed the ground when I got to Midway and apologized to Chicago... then got an apartment the next day...
- Meg Mccarville i was with my mom today checking out this apartment in Pilsen and saw Jail on the street and I honestly had to like pace myself so I did not look like a total freak and start crying and freaking out seeing someone I knew and loved in Chicago. I think I kept it cool enough...14 hours ago · ·
- Ruth R. Hustle Oppenheim-Rothschild Less and less all the time but the good ones always come back sooner or later. I'll totally see you/vanessa this weekend. And yeah, fuck oakland + glad you're back but whatevs, give them a break, we all get defensive about "our" city etc.
- Meg Mccarville I might lose my shit on Saturday though. It might be too much... I might have a seizure.
- Meg Mccarville DUDE for the record... I was kidding about that rant. I really went through some serious shit in Oakland though which I have yet to address with my mentality... It's way too new... I am so angry with what happened to me in that town (and it's me, not other people, wonderful people, like Vanessa, thrive there) but I love this city sooooooooooooooo much..... And right now I hate especially Oakland and New Orleans and I was in love with both of those towns so if anyone says anything to me about them I might just freak... it's not hard for me right now.... why I am sequestering myself in the suburbs and not staying in the city right now....
- Meg Mccarville I didn't even mean for this facebook shit to happen.... DAMMIT FACEBOOK.... WTF AM I DOING????. I was just writing and then a comment struck a nerve. I'm also in the midst of finally reading the tribune that my mom saved for me about Jeremy Hammond. where he appears on the front page... and trying to wrap my mind all around that.... THAT was one of the reasons I left as well.... I wanted NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT... AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT HE was doing, but I didn't want to know or be close to it...
- Meg Mccarville so like I should not be on social networking sites at all... even saying that....
- Meg Mccarville I don't even know what happened to him.... He was on the cover o the tribune and then disappeared....
- Meg Mccarville i wish i could update myself completely but i am now hosting a satanic ritual in your name and wishing bad ju ju onto u...
- Minoo Kuru that jenn lady must be totally retarded, why would anyone want you to "stop yelling on fb" ???4 hours ago · ·
- Betty Devoe Darling, you need to write a book about your adventures, seriously. Glad you are back in this fair city. Xoxo
- Meg Mccarville I am going to... this is all being saved in my blog... Trust me... I am on my way to getting a PROFESSIONAL THERAPIST A.S.A.P., but the writing as cheezy as it is is therapeutic as hell and keeps me from doing anything further than attacking people by written words and the interweb.... Yea... Sorry to the folks that don't like me, but I really feel at home here, and I don't want to leave ever. Unless to another country.... And it is great to hear anyone, but also especially familiar constant Chicago staples like you and Minoo are still here and supportive.about an hour ago · ·
- Meg Mccarville Oh wait... I keep getting these moments of unclarity... addendum... I am NOT sorry to the people that don't like me here... but I am here to stay... I'm not starting anything... rather I actually hate this shit... it's just fuel for the fire... I just want people to CHILLLLL OUT!!!!. (I know, ironic coming from me).
Thursday, April 19, 2012
haha... thread from fbook after someone uttered the phrase "oakland rules" on my page.
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lolz, i didn't realize you saw so much of oakland sleeping in my basement all day.
i think you were just ahead of "the scene".
came just now as a license plate on the rear. This one was about me,
so: 69Swirl attached to compass; echo of the day; fact. No one calls or
phones, just some freight train messages now and then;
signature looks ok ; used to be a parent. No one I really know
was on the last one or, maybe they just looked out the window
and waved as some sheen of sights flew past; better than the
vacation you missed, The prom and the football game while I
indulged in nothingness, more nothingness, still more
nothingness till the sheen of someone else’s fantasy, number 6
(down they said, but it was quiet enough for me to play the radio;
I like playing the radio) and, while I'm not an apogee kind of guy, I
know a good one when I look (though it didn't look nice) and
started drinking. A true void. All those algebra 2 types counting off
and by golly, my cube was empty. Duck tape girls deluxe, like
beginners; don't tip too much. Typical strange Friend you find in a
second class novel, all positive:"Eh...you...you're dead man."
“L11” I said.
"You gonna have a bullet in the skull, have it be friend, plus I can
always pull it out if I need an extra silver bullet...nice car."
"No it isn't."
And she chirped in:"It's not his car..."
"Actually, I'm looking to by a bike," They shook their heads...eh...
If you really wanna know, The kid was too sincere for my own good.
hey smiled. I had the latest
walnucks: all motorcycle adds. Norton Manx, Atlanta, $35,000 -
little rich. Mike Hailwood replica- too fast: Harley, Harley, Harley.
Nah, fat and ugly. " you guys up to anything?" Had this funny
smile. Scotch, Rolling Rock, what ever; felt the same
way:"Another Vodka please." "Guy up the street has one of those
magnesium Ducatis - always overheating...whole sales BMW's."
"He would; supposed to shut it down...in town you mean." "Yea."
"Wally's always telling us about that Bonneville he had." "Eh..look
like a model T hoping down the road - Triton makes sense...'
Glanced at the mag:"Parrila...fat chance... Rt 350 in pieces in
Wisconson...too far."
"You have fun reading there Bob...we're heading out." "sure
thing, long day...probably be heading back up town myself in
while." "Just come down for a drink." "Oh, you never know, see
what's on the juke box, might have a few more actually, pretty
quite at work too - sort of prefer arriving really hung-over it's so
boring." "dead, hu." "Normal stuff, but , one of the dweebs in the
elevator, I don't know , could be like a really important guy, a few
of em there...airline stuff and what not...tobacco suits...people
coughing to death, they go: Interests pretty low hu there Bob?"
"Sure are brother...sure are." "Hard t barrow now too , funny how
it works that way...almost a version of ironic...spent the whole day
on Xerox art actually, got a new cat I'm working on, might slip it up
on the wall after, not this drink, the one after...really...Berlin
decadent look...really cool."
We'll see you latter Bob"
"sure thing..." 75
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