It's been a long time... too long... I can tell you do your fair share of internet ranting because of your eloquence and fervor... i suggest you write more... Do you have a blog?. Your sheer anger alone and the fact that you are one of my few friends from the burbs who are NOT in a long term relationship or HAVE A HIGH PAYING STEADY JOB (maybe you do, but you hate it it sounds like) or are eech... (no offense to the wonderful parents and happily married people I knew in High School, I do wish you the best, just obviously weirdly not jealous, but just can't understand it still... I feel like I'm still in high school, and I am well aware I act like I am still five years old). I digress. Jim... on the subject of you and a woman... I have long told you you resembled the Great JOHN GOODMAN, which has always been, and I am confused as to wheather or not you know this, the highest of compliments, because I LOVE that man, his role in THE BIG LEBOWSKI was like the best thing ever, only SECOND TO ROSEANNE, WHICH REMAINS TO BE ONE OF THE BEST SHOWS ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH... EVER... NUFF SAID... John Goodman was FAT during that time... I mean the show WAS ABOUT FAT ASSES and I think they were FORCE FEEDING ROSEANNE AND GOODMAN like fois gras ducks or whatever, BUT That reference had nothing to do with obesity... rather admiration... your romance with narcotics mirrored mine and I'm sure we have many stories to share and that's all I will say on this public forum... And IT NEVER DOES END DOES IT?. (although I do smoke e cigs now, and I haven't injected in seven years... but still nearly cum when my blood is drawn... good thing the junk in Chicago sux I heard... I DON'T WANNA KNOW... I'm almost completely off of what started as a 600 mg. dose of methadone a day... enough to kill two full grown men... BUT TO ADDRESS YOUR PROBLEMS WITH WOMEN, and your resemblence to John Goodman... You sir, deserve NOTHING but the most AMAZING FORCE OF LIFE for a partner... She is out there, and you will find her... You deserve nothing less than ROSEANNE BARR (WAIT WAIT... JUST LET ME FINISH) who remains one of my female idols from CHILDHOOD TO THIS DAY... SHE MANAGED TO SINGLEHANDELDLY PIONEER AND MAKE A SHOW ABOUT FATASSES LIVING IN THE BURBS A NUMBER ONE SHOW FOR CLOSE TO TEN YEARS UNTIL (and I HONESTLY BELIEVE THIS IS A CONSPIRACY... ALSO WAIT...) and I don't know if you are familiar with any of the show but I know the WHOLE RUN... until the plot changed and the ROSEANNE FAMILY won the lottery and got thin and Dan, John Goodman's Character, had a heart attack and died... After they stopped farming the main actors and force feeding them and weight loss came in... THE SHOW SUCKED AND WAS OFF THE AIR... ROSEANNE BARR... LOOK HER UP ON YOUTUBE... REMAINS TO ONE OF THE MOST FEARLESS INTELLIGENT FEMALE FORCES OF NATURE TO DATE.... CHECK IT OUT ON YOUTUBE IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME.... SHE IS A CONSPIRACY THEORIST, who speaks out against THE ABUSE AND MIND CONTROL SHE SUFFERED at various wingnut (and I say that self identifying as a wingnut) conventions across the country)..... SHE IS FEARLESS... Whatever you want to call them.... the powers that be, the illuminatis, the NWO, reptilian shapeshifters, the skull and bones, secret societies, etc. had a hold of her.... she was farmed as a child... there is a history of this and it's happening right now... (youtube cathy o'brian and watch her speak, a close friend of ROSEANNE BARR), I will not go on about this particularly distubing and mostly unknown truth about the farming and subsequent mind control and continued mk ultra experiments inflicted on infants from birth that the government takes from mothers that put their babies up for adoption or buy or farm from birth, but we can talk more about this... Disney code has a lot to do with it... childhood trauma, MPD (multiple personality disorder or dissociative personality disorder) is caused by severe childhood trauma in which the brain compartmentalizes itself into different pieces and they can only be brought out by different triggers... the triggers being certain words, sounds, etc. DISNEY WAS A NAZI, and we stole the technology from the nazis after ww2, and Joseph Mingels the MAD NAZI SCIENTIST had been experimenting with halocaust victims for years with this, but after America beat Germany in WWII, we took that and (think about it) Disney was rising to fame right then and used its code on the children they inflicted unspeakable torture on and continue to, as well as the subliminal messages in Disney movies, Disneyland, and Disney World (the "happiest place on earth" and one of my favorite places of all time honestly) but a place that is chocked full of surveillance, subliminal messages, secret identities, and the like... I am getting off on a tangent here and I think you may know yourself a bit about this particular "conspiracy theory" but you sound like you have researched the illuminatis by the way you speak and sorry to spring all this wingnut shit on you, but it IS THE TRUTH... It's going on today as well of course.... ANY DISNEY STAR, more recently Britney Spears (who was sold by her trashy parents), and Hannah Montanna/Miley Cyrus who ACKNOWLEDGES the MPD she has and even more recent ones than that ZACK/CODY, it gets really fucking weird... I try not to pay attention to those shows, but some early mornings the television will be on and I'll catch them and be like HOLY SHIT, MIND CONTROL, DISNEY.... happening in the rap industry... oh god... all over... could go on and on... but If you don't and want to know, youtube Cathy O'brian, and then ROSEANNE BARR recently.... She is sooo much of a "wackjob" right now that TLC I think did a reality show on her called "Roseanne's Nuts". A parody on the fact that she is now a recluse who has her own farm where one thing she harvests is nuts, but obviously making a mockery of the fact that she now will speak out against the trauma she suffered as a child and the mind control inflicted by her... The series is now off the air. I tried to watch it for like 10 minutes once... was unwatchable... No DISNEY CHARM... But before I went on my wingnut apocolaptic rant about mind control, and that's just such a sliver of the whole picture, I said you deserved nothing less than ROSEANNE BARR. AND THAT MY FRIEND IS A GREAT COMPLIMENT COMING FROM ME AS SHE IS A GENIUS AND ONE OF THE GREATEST FEMALES IN EXISTANCE TODAY... PLUS SHE'S NOT FAT ANYMORE.... And I know fat chicks suck, so like I meant a SKINNY ROSEANNE, NOT FOIS GRAS FORCE FED, but a wackjob of a lady who is intelligent and fearless who you deserve and you will get... I have forever appreciated the eloquent comments you have left on my fbook page, and am excited that you follow me... Feel free to call me anytime, (510) 712-8481. I will be living in Pilsen and you are always welcome, although my ceiling is only 6 feet, and you may have to crowch... now that I am back, I am systematically contacting all of my beloveds since I have had prison time, mental hospital time, and insane oakland basement insanity time to reflect on who are the REAL people I SHOULD be talking to and who is worthless but I will remain on a superficial level with.... Please keep in contact... I also have an art residence with a bunch of Autistic Savants at the Chicago Cultural Center across the street from Millenium Park (creepy huh?) where I make fucked up dolls, and it's the greatest thing ever, and a pending book deal with check that website if you want to find out the MOST INTERESTING SHIT EVER.... I'm not lying.... I know you've been reading tidbits of my life cuz you chime in now and then, so I'm totally not making this up, but yea... YOU'LL DO GOOD... YOU DESERVE SKINNY ROSEANNE!!!!. Sorry to be out of contact for so long and say Hi to Joe Kuczma (?) for me as I think you are still in contact with him and he is also one of my favorites.....
1 comment:
lolz, i always wondered why your voice sounded like angry birds fighting a blackboard with rusty nails!!
roseanne rules.
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