Sunday, August 19, 2012

I do domination sex work and I have a slave with cerebral palsy. Yes he has cerebral palsy and is very excitable. He sends me text messages all the time about how naughty he Is and lots of smilie faces. I think that he is so excited that someone would beat the shit out of a retard. Well he found the right girl. I’ll hop on that retard in a drug fueled frenzy.  I’m gonna wail the shit out him. I have yet to meet him. He’s so stoked on me. I wonder if he wants me to go there though. That he’s a crippled bitch. What do I do about this. I’ve never had a crippled client before. Crippled humiliation is fucked. But he’s so fucken stoked.
That happens soon. But I can’t fucking wait. I’ll beat up a retard. I don’t care. Especially since this is what he really fucking wants. Like more than anything. Someone to beat up his retarded ass.  This is why he’s so excitable and this seems to be the single thing he wants in his life. To be spit on and humiliated. Why would you want to pass that up?.  I’d dropkick a retard into the lake if it meant it would make him happy. A retard is the highest compliment I could pay someone. I work with autistic savants  and I love them all… fucken can’t button their own pants but they can make awesome art.

Today I had to explain the months of the year to my boyfriend. Fucking retard. He did not know the months of the year. I love the retarded. He asked me what month it was and when summer and fall were. It was like teaching a child. The retarded are great.

I went to Rocky Horror Picture Show at midnight the other night expecting a drug fueled frenzy of a midnight movie like it used to be.  Not only did it suck, they checked my bag. They took my drink and it fucking sucked. To sit through that annoying torture of a show stone cold sober when you’re a fucking alcoholic is nothing short of the 7th rung of hell. Fucking retards. Theatre scum.
I got some yogart on the bed and my boyfriend got angry. He said that it was gross.  There’s cum all over the bed. What the fuck does he care?

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