Friday, April 20, 2012


. If you do, in fact like my writing.... this one's for you, but not out of like hatred like my usual rants FOR YOU... RATHER THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE.... BUT FOR MY HATRED OF THE ELIMIATION OF THE "E" OR "MAN" IN THE WORD WOMAN.... which, and you were mostly right in pegging me as someone who might not self identify as a woman... I really don't like it, or I hate being called MA'AM... It makes me feel old or like a slave dirver... I'd rather be called "MASSA MEG". oh wait please don't spell womyn with a y when referring to me, I hate that, you can call me a bulldyke if you wish, only addendum.... just cuz there are so many "womyn" that annoy the living goddamned dinasoured constipated stuck in my colon for years b/c of narcotic abuse shit out of me and I have hated that word for ages.... SO WHAT IF WOMAN HAS MAN IN IT???. its a fucking word... bulldyke is better though... I have a problem self identifying as anything and even though it was pointed out to me that I am not a "bull" b/c I am not a big girl unfortunately, and I like cock, but that does not stop me from being a "dyke" "bulldyke" is a word that I learned from my father at an early age in order to explain my mother's best moustached obese lesbian friend) but that's just me.... with that word.... Sorry to me it's like someone calling me jesus I don't know but WOMYN is a bad word for me.... almost like racist (the only racial slur for white people I've realized).... but (sorry) I think I may prefer racists (of any race) to "womyn" and I write this mostly to address my hatred of the word... you had no idea... not to blame... and I can (unfortunately) understand why you might just maybe take me for a man hating feminist who hates the fact that "man" is in their gender but, although I hate males, I consider myself an equal oppurtunity hater, and hate females just as much, maybe a bit less right now cuz of certain circumstances, but it'll be equal soon enough.... Some of the best people I've met have been misogynists, including female identifying misogynists....

and my addendum to this is not addressed to you, rather to people that use the word "womyn" in general... but yea please call me "bulldyke" from now on... If you do, in fact like my writing.... this one's for you, but not out of like hatred like my usual rants FOR YOU... RATHER THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE.... BUT FOR MY HATRED OF THE ELIMIATION OF THE "E" OR "MAN" IN THE WORD WOMAN.... which, and you were mostly right in pegging me as someone who might not self identify as a woman... I really don't like it, or I hate being called MA'AM... It makes me feel old or like a slave dirver... I'd rather be called "MASSA MEG". oh wait please don't spell womyn with a y when referring to me, I hate that, you can call me a bulldyke if you wish, only addendum.... just cuz there are so many "womyn" that annoy the living goddamned dinasoured constipated stuck in my colon for years b/c of narcotic abuse shit out of me and I have hated that word for ages.... SO WHAT IF WOMAN HAS MAN IN IT???. its a fucking word... bulldyke is better though... I have a problem self identifying as anything and even though it was pointed out to me that I am not a "bull" b/c I am not a big girl unfortunately, and I like cock, but that does not stop me from being a "dyke" "bulldyke" is a word that I learned from my father at an early age in order to explain my mother's best moustached obese lesbian friend) but that's just me.... with that word.... Sorry to me it's like someone calling me jesus I don't know but WOMYN is a bad word for me.... almost like racist (the only racial slur for white people I've realized).... but (sorry) I think I may prefer racists (of any race) to "womyn" and I write this mostly to address my hatred of the word... you had no idea... not to blame... and I can (unfortunately) understand why you might just maybe take me for a man hating feminist who hates the fact that "man" is in their gender but, although I hate males, I consider myself an equal oppurtunity hater, and hate females just as much, maybe a bit less right now cuz of certain circumstances, but it'll be equal soon enough.... Some of the best people I've met have been misogynists, including female identifying misogynists.... and again excuse the rant to your extremely undeserved awesome comment you have dropped on my page, but I can't stop ranting, or writing, and consider it 5 months of trauma (don't mean to sound like a victim, or worse survivor) unleashed out onto unfortunate readers of this page and my blog.... BUT TO YOU.... THANK YOU SOOO MUCH.... same to you!!!. feel free to reach out whenever. You have a friend for life (unfortunately or not)... but to the rest of you... please don't go around offending us poor souls by removing the "e" from our gender, unless we self identify as that. hahahaaa... and I can't believe I'd ever go on a rant about self gender identity because I really don't care if someone is he she it animal vegatible or mineral, straight, gay, bi, queer, independant, necrophiliac, nambla (I don't like people fucking children though), bestial (again don't approve of the rape of animals, but if they're willing, PLAY BALL... I KNOW SEVERAL WOMEN AND WOMYN WHO FUCK THEIR DOGS!!!!. U GO GALZ!)... PLUS I hear dolphin sex is AMAZING... Find me a willing dolphin male and ITS ON... uhmm.... god I could go on about this gender thing forever.... It's ultimately that I don't care what gender a person is and who the person is inside (aaaw, I know too sweet) and honestly it is sometimes arrogant and makes me angry when I get a pronoun wrong or sad when someone gets hurt (again I have a HEART FUCK OFF) b/c I get their pronoun wrong when I can hardly remember very good friends of mine's names.... and if you have changed your gender more than twice and you are not or were not formally Duwayne Slieghtweight (sorry to call you out but this is a compliment b/c you are the most humble person ever and have charmed me to death, and are one of the only ones I can think of who has changed their pronoun multiple times, and I love your mass emails about it...) I just might accidentally refer to you as the wrong pronoun and for the most part I'm sorry. But yea, god... But I have long hated WOMYN since I was a small child and I honestly told my parents to stop calling me their little girl, and I knew I was not a boy, so made them call me their "little guy" so I grew up with some serious gender issues... And ironically enough, because I make them now, I refused to play with dolls, I liked he-mans, and some boy's toys, but mostly stuffed animals, of which I owned thousands of and hoarded and my mother unfortunately systematically got rid of under my nose until I was 26, despite my sincere promises that I would one day remove them and use them again, and would have by now... and the prior addendum, and I will say is not addressed to anyone in particular rather something that seeing the word "womyn" spurred in me... years of hatred of that word and as I will state again thank you so much for your consideration and I definately understand why you would think I was a person that wanted "man" eliminated from my gender identitiy.... but in my opinion this whole gender identity thing has become so out of fucking control that it's leading to a single enuch, barbie doll genatalia identification of a human being, because like I previously stated there are becoming waaaay to many to keep track of.... and EUNICH is just fine for me... but I prefer "bulldyke".

Also I do hate being called a "woMAN" just because it makes me feel old... I am old... but I still don't feel like a WOMAN... I don't knit, take candle baths, or like flowers (actually I do like flowers), I don't CRY, I'M NOT BAREFOOT, I'M NOT PREGNANT, I DON'T COOK, I DON'T MAKE CAKE, WEAR APRONS, DREAM ABOUT MARRAIGE, GO SHOPPING FOR MY WEDDING GOWN, HAVE A CHILD, HAVE A MINIVAN, HAVE A SHIRT THAT SAYS MY PET WALKS ALL OVER ME (although I wish I did), AM A NAGGING BITCH (umm.. that's a lie), CLEAN THE HOUSE, SHAVE MY ARMPITS, DOUCHE, GO TO THE "BEAUTY PARLOR" (not to be confused with the "barber shop" which I also wish I hung out at daily), DIET, GET PLASTIC SURGERY (yet), BUY HYGENE PRODUCTS, EAT SALADS, HATE SPORTS (yes I do), REMAIN SILENT, DON'T PROTEST, AM FAT, STUPID, ATTENDED A SORORITY, HAVE LOW SELF WORTH, NEED MEN TO GIVE ME SELF WORTH, NEED A BOYFRIEND/HUSBAND/PARTNER, and that is not what a WOMAN is to me, but rather what I thought it was growing up for a long time... When it was popularized in the eighties that then Female Scream Queen Jamie Lee Curtis was actually born a Hermaphrodite or I was told so by my father and then told that I, also was born with a penis and they had it cut off when I was born because my vagina was more prevalant, and then that was told to me over and over and over I got confused... and still obviously am... I didn't like women. I never thought my mom was... My mom was someone I called IGOR From the planet "V-NECK T-SHIRT" (yea kids are brilliant, I only wish I remembered more of my childhood), women did the aforementioned to me and I wanted nothing to do with it... we never had a dog, so I never tried the peanut butter trick, so I never got into dogfucking, which was another thing that was enforced in my mind that WOMEN did by my father... Women were all these things.... ummm... no.... WOMYN ARE ALL THESE THINGS.... FUCK WOMYN.... YEA actually I said I don't care what you identify as, but I correct myself, IF YOU IDENTIFY AS A "WOMYN" uhmmm.... YEA YOU ARE EVERYTHING TERRIBLE TO ME.... and I refuse to recognize that as a spelling for a word....

Oh yea and while I'm at it, I really don't like be called a woman, but I HATE being called maam.... "Woman" makes me feel old.... MAAM makes me feel as if a gay male stewardess is talking to me (which just happened), I am about to die, or am a slave driver.... It's simliar to being called MASSA MEG, which I would not mind nearly as much.... or MINE FURHER.... WOMYN.... YEA PLEASE DON'T SAY IT AROUND ME.... I TRY my hardest to respect people's gender identities, if you don't know and it's a mistake, and you call me it, it's fine... Just don't do it again unless you want to piss me off... So now, if you have read this far, or just caught this tidbit, YOU CAN GET TO ME... CALL ME A WOMYN.... fully knowing the way I feel about it... this person was just trying to be respectful and that is beyond fine... It's flattering... But, like they say "CALL ME WOMYN ONCE, SHAME ON ME, CALL ME WOMYN TWICE AND YOU WILL GET A HOLLOW BULLET TO THE COLON". I think Ben Franklin said that or something.....

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