Monday, August 27, 2012

I got to hang out with my friend Ryan this week. He is on a deathtrip after his braindamaging accident. He used to be the sweetest little scumbag who painted hearts all over my bus. But now no he's a raping pillaging scumfuck who is on a deathrage. He was already half braindead before the accident, but now he's absolutely batshit crazy. It's awesome. "C'mon Meg, you my girl, my queen bee, the queen atop my illuminati pyramid, now let's go kidnap someone". I am crazy and impulsive and I have many vices, but I didn't want to include kidnapping in my repoitoire. I hate young people. They're crazy. I'm 32 and I can't take these young amped up lunatics anymore. I like to sit in my apartment and hate people from afar, not encounter them.

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